Financial Training | Financial Planning | Financial Peace
About Us
Thomas Bustamante, CFP® has over 30 years of experience in the banking, trust and investment industry. His experience has enabled him to work with individuals at various stages of life and wealth.

Let’s Talk
I can show you where to start and guide you to accomplish the tasks at hand.
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(505) 231-4607
Your Personal Financial Trainer
My role as a financial planner is similar to the role of a personal fitness trainer.

2017 Proposed Tax Changes by the Trump Administration
The Trump Administration intends to introduce the following tax plan to Congress this year. Whether or not the plan is implemented and in what form is up to Congress.

2017 First Quarter Review - a strong start
On March 15, 2017, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.25% to 0.75%, indicating that the US economy is stronger. Inflation has been at 2.7% for the past 12 months. Unemployment remained under 5% at 4.7%. Gross Domestic Product grew by 1.9% in the 4th Qtr of 2016. Housing sales have slowed, while manufacturing increased. Overall, the economy continues to show improvement.
The CFP® Professional
Most people think all financial planners are "certified," but this isn't true. Anyone can call himself a "financial planner." Only those who have fulfilled the certification and renewal requirements of CFP® Board can display the CFP® certification marks, which represent a high level of competency, ethics and professionalism.
Why should you work with a Certified Financial Planner? Find out why at
“Why Choose a CFP® Professional? Copyright ©2012 Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.”